A Few Sociology Questions

By on January 16, 2014

Here are samples of topics we would discuss in a Sociology course. Read over a few and share some thoughts.

Sociological Theory

Define and explain each of our main sociological theories (structural functionalism, conflict theory, and symbolic interactionism) and how they pertain to the topic of marriage and family. Make sure you first define and explain each theory, include the major components of each theory when explaining it, discuss the main contributors to the theory, and give at least two examples of how the theory pertains to the sociological study of marriage and family. Be thorough with your examples and make sure you include the important terms and concepts in your explanations.

The family and race

Discuss the family composition and characteristics of your assigned racial family. Also discuss the effects of belonging to the specific racial group on the family as well as each individual. You will also discuss the differences between each subgroup of the indicated racial group (for instance, 1. if you are a Chinese family discuss the differences between your family and other Asian subgroups or 2. if your family is affluent compare your family to that of a lower SES of the same racial family). Some topics of discussion are: social status, income, employment, education, health, marital and family patterns, family composition and characteristics, and cultural norms. Make sure you include generalizations about your racial group.  Assign specific family characteristics to be discussed to each group member as well as specific family members (i.e. father, mother, children,…). You will indicate who each member of the group is, his or her role within the family, and each individual’s characteristics. You may also discuss other family members as well as extended family members.

Social Class

  • Discuss your family’s social class and how it has affected you.
  • You must have four specific sub-topics, such as education, health, family life, social activities, employment, safety, gender socialization, environment….
  • Thoroughly discuss each sub-topic and the effect each has had on you as well as the long term effects (long term effects may be a prediction you have of the effects in the future).

Film Application and Analysis

  • Choose a film that is focused on the topic of marriage and family.
  • You are going to analyze the movie from a sociological perspective and apply the terms and concepts from class that are portrayed in the film.
  • Thoroughly discuss each sub-topic and how it is displayed in the movie, such as socialization, family violence, divorce, social class, etc., or any topic that has been covered throughout the semester.

Social Theory and Polygamy

Your assignment is to apply each of our three main social theories (Structural Functionalism, Conflict Theory, and Symbolic Interactionism) and one of the other perspectives noted in the course textbook to the topic of polygamy. Your goal is to apply all most, if not all, of the major components (and related terms and concepts) of each theory to the topic or film. Make sure you give specific examples of how the theory applies to either the topic of polygamy or to specific examples from the film viewed in class.

Modern Dating

  • Your assignment is to discuss modern dating in the United States.
  • Some areas to focus on are: What are the different types of modern dating that have recently emerged? What are the reasons that we have these new forms of dating? What are the pros and cons to these forms of dating? Do you have any experience with any of these forms of dating or do you know of someone who has? Explain. How can functionalism, conflict theory, and symbolic interactionism apply to this issue?
  • Incorporate any other application from class where appropriate (terms, concepts, and theory).

Topic: Marriage Roles

● The introduction should include what was discussed in class and what was discussed in the article, as well as the evolution of marriage roles.

● Discuss your family of orientation and apply what was discussed to your own family.

● Discuss the type of marriage and roles you want to have in your family of procreation and explain why.

(Image courtesy of Apolonia/FreeDigitalPhotos.net)




About admin

Teaching Sociology is very enjoyable for me. Sociology is like a gateway to a plethora of knowledge and understanding. The subject material is directly applicable to real-world events and situations found in everyday life. The methods and concepts of sociology yield powerful insights into the social processes shaping the contemporary world. The ability to identify and understand these processes is valuable preparation for professional participation in an ever changing and complex society.