
By on July 13, 2012

We live in a time and place in which it is not politically correct to discriminate against those of a different race. If we look throughout history we can see that specific groups at specific times experience the most discrimination. Once that group revolts and gains status a new group is targeted. Who is our target today? As I stated, we live in a time in which it is not politically correct to…for example tell racist jokes, however, how often do you hear someone tell a joke about homosexuals? It actually happens quite often. Many say that homosexuals are our discriminatory targets today. I’m sure it doesn’t help that our government supports inequality against them. A value judgment? NO, a fact. If a group does not have the same rights, equal rights, as others it is inequality and discrimination! (Image courtesy of Simon Howden FreeDigitalPhotos.net)

Is homophobia an acceptable prejudice? Some experts say that it is. An acceptable prejudice in the fact that it is accepted by society and the institutions within the society. So, let’s look at our institutions and see if discrimination against this group exists:
1) Education. The most pervasive hate crimes against homosexuals happens in the schools, high school specifically (rejection, isolation, and physical violence). Homosexual teens are five times more likely to miss school due to feeling unsafe. Eighty-five percent of teachers are opposed to integrating lesbian, gay, and bisexual themes into their curricula.
2) Religion. Do I need to explain this one? Okay, there are a few places of worship in which homosexuals are openly accepted.
3) Employment. In an anonymous and confidential survey of 191 corporations (those in management were surveyed) it was found that 18% would fire a homosexual person, 27% would refuse to hire someone they perceived as homosexual, and 26% would not promote a person they perceived as homosexual. Now, of course, this would not be the case for all types of industries. It has also been found that lesbians earn up to 14% less than their female counterparts (similar ages, education levels, residence, and occupations).
4) Law. We already discussed this issue a bit…equal rights not afforded to homosexual couples.
5) Family. Family is supposed to be the people we can turn to no matter what, right? Not always so. Forty-two percent of homeless youth were kicked out of their homes when they came out to their parents. One study of 500 homosexual teens found that 61% of the teens experienced violence in their home due to their sexual orientation.

So, if our major institutions do not support a specific group of individuals then is the prejudice against them being condoned?

It is not shocking then that 75% of homosexual males have consulted a mental health profession, 3:5 homosexual teens abuse illegal substances, and the leading cause of death for homosexual teens is suicide (53% have attempted suicide at least once and 43% more than once). Where can these teen turn for support?

About admin

Teaching Sociology is very enjoyable for me. Sociology is like a gateway to a plethora of knowledge and understanding. The subject material is directly applicable to real-world events and situations found in everyday life. The methods and concepts of sociology yield powerful insights into the social processes shaping the contemporary world. The ability to identify and understand these processes is valuable preparation for professional participation in an ever changing and complex society.