APA Style Template for Essays

By on November 3, 2015

Click on the link here for a basic APA style format: APA-1 for a word doc template using APA style format for a basic essay.

(Add headers to each page, see the attachment above)

(Title Page- separate page)

Put Your Full Paper Title Here
Your Name
School Name

Abstract (separate page)
Type your abstract (summary) here. Note that the abstract paragraph is not indented. The abstract is not the same as your introduction paragraph. Do not use “I” or “we” in your abstract. The abstract’s length should be proportional to the length of the work it is summarizing, between 50 to 250 words.




Put Your Full Paper Title Here
Notice that main title is repeated above. First paragraph and all paragraphs are indented one half inch. When typing, be sure to type to the end of the line and continue typing without hitting the Enter key on your keyboard. If you hit the Enter key on your keyboard, your paper will not have correct double spacing because you will not be using word wrapping. It is important that your intro paragraph be 2-5 sentences long and that the last sentence is your paper’s thesis sentence.

Put Subtitle Here (subtitles in bold)

Begin your second paragraph here. This is a body paragraph. It should follow the SESC formula: State, Explain, Support, Conclude. The first sentence states the paragraph’s topic. The second sentence explains the paragraph’s topic with more detail. The third, fourth, and fifth sentences should provide support for the paragraph’s topic. If you are using sources, a good place to put them is in the support section. The last sentence of the paragraph concludes and refers back to the paragraph’s main topic.

Put Subtitle Here

Begin your third paragraph here. This is also a body paragraph. It should also follow the SESC formula: State, Explain, Support, Conclude. The first sentence states the paragraph’s topic. The second sentence explains the paragraph’s topic with more detail. The third, fourth, and fifth sentences should provide support for the paragraph’s topic. If you are using sources, a good place to put them is in the support section. The last sentence of the paragraph concludes and refers back to the paragraph’s main topic.

Put Subtitle Here
Begin your fourth paragraph here. This is a body paragraph. It should follow the SESC formula: State, Explain, Support, Conclude. The first sentence states the paragraph’s topic. The second sentence explains the paragraph’s topic with more detail. The third, fourth, and fifth sentences should provide support for the paragraph’s topic. If you are using sources, a good place to put them is in the support section. The last sentence of the paragraph concludes and refers back to the paragraph’s main topic.

Put Subtitle Here

This is the place for your conclusion paragraph. It does not have to be long. It should definitely refer back to the thesis of your paper.

References (separate page)
Lastname, I. (2010). Title of article with only first word capped or any proper noun. Title of Publication, 22(3), 325-340. doi or URL.


(add page numbers to the top right corner)

About admin

Teaching Sociology is very enjoyable for me. Sociology is like a gateway to a plethora of knowledge and understanding. The subject material is directly applicable to real-world events and situations found in everyday life. The methods and concepts of sociology yield powerful insights into the social processes shaping the contemporary world. The ability to identify and understand these processes is valuable preparation for professional participation in an ever changing and complex society.